but from what the title says it teaches how to make a projector.
This article is going to teach you how to
make a projector. I'm not sure if this article will teach you how to fix a
projector so it's good for another year or something,
Image source: https://www.optoma.com/
I'll have to read the whole article when it comes out for more information about what actually happens in the post, but based on the title this is what I can tell you.
Image source: https://www.homedepot.com/
First of all, like any other posts on instructables (a website where people put up DIY projects), there are directions and pictures of each step in making your own homemade projector. You'll need a few things that you probably already have in your home, or can easily find around your home.
Image source: https://www.croma.com/
You'll need a few simple tools such as a hammer, screwdrivers, and a pair of pliers. You'll also need some tape (duh), an old CD or DVD that you can scratch off the meanies (for the lens), and some duct tape.
Image source: https://www.dell.com/
You'll also need two pieces of poster board for the actual projector body, string for the pullies (magnets for this project are going to be pulled by string), and any other materials that you might want to add on to your new projector; light bulbs for example which would make it a lamp.
Image source: https://na.panasonic.com/
One thing you might want to add on to the original project is a remote for the DVD player so that you can change the DVD without getting out of your seat.
Image source: https://epson.com/
The basic projector will work fine just using a remote from the DVD player, but I recommend adding on that as an extra feature since it would make more sense to have it if you were sitting in front of a big screen TV watching your favorite movie.
Image source: https://www.walmart.com/
You'll need something to make the lens for your projector, anything would do actually (for making an actual lens),
Image source: https://www.ebay.com/
but I recommend making it out of some duct tape because duct tape is cheap and works great as a bottle cap lens
Image source: https://pro.sony/
You can make another lens out of a bottle cap and some tape, but I wouldn't recommend that since most DVDs come with a lens as part of the package.
Image source: https://www.amazon.com/
The next step is to build the actual size of your projector. You'll need to cut out two pieces of poster board about 10 inches in length and about 5 inches in
Image source: https://justinrange.com/
width depending on how big you want the screen to be. Make sure the two pieces will fit on top of one another, but I would make one smaller than the other so that you can have some space between them for when you put your lens in between them.
Image source: https://www.optoma.com/
You will also need to figure out what size you want your actual lens to be. The projector I have was made to have an actual lens, but if you don't have a lens or if you're making it so that the lens is actually made out of plastic (in case you have a broken one), then you'll probably
Image source: https://www.homedepot.com/
want to make your own lens so that it fits into the hole between the two pieces of poster board. Remember though,
Image source: https://www.croma.com/
when making the hole for your lens and setting up your projector to work, make sure that the light from your bulb will shine through onto the screen and not just spill out onto other surfaces such as a table or whatever other surface is in front of it.
Image source: https://www.dell.com/
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